Sunday, November 05, 2017

Sunday lounging about

I've been hanging out with my cat friend Ty this week.
He misses his real mom (and dad) who are off doing fun things without us.

Of course, when they come home he will stalk about with his nose and tail in the air, as if he can't be bothered, but we know the truth! He's waiting at the window!


  1. With Ramona after two nights away it might be

    "Who the hell are you?" (talk to the tail)

    "You're home! You're home!"

    With Harper it's always

    "You're home. Cool. What's for dinner?"

    Just hanging out today with the cats. 25 miles on the new monster e bike with 4 inch tires yesterday. Spike E the bike E!

  2. Spent yesterday at the zoo with Daughter. Had a great time. It was hotter than we wanted (82). Saw a turquoise snake and a frog to match. Talk about beautiful but deadly!

    The zoo trip was followed by a full moon bonfire with my artist friends. We don't get together as often as we want, but if there's a full moon on a beautiful night we make the effort. Last night was one of those impromptu "we need to get together" nights.

    Today I'm cleaning, doing laundry, and alternating between writing for Nano and running lines for the show. If I ever needed an extra hour, it was today!

    New fencing arrived to replace the one Hurricane Irma blew down.

    Woo hoo! Happy Sunday, everyone!

  3. Poor kitty. It’s ok, Ty- I always get left behind when others go off to have fun. They shouldn’t do that because then I must eviscerate them in fiction.

  4. I miss my cat. A coyote got her over ten years ago. I was brokenhearted, felt guilty and wanted a year long open-season on coyotes until I realized I had little sympathy for the chipmunks and mice which were left at the foot of my bed (in parts) as a gift by my sweet cat. It was a live by the sword die by the sword sort of thing.

    After we got her (she was a rescue) we tried to make her an inside cat but she was pitifully unhappy and miserable. At least she had a happy life...killing innocent little creatures just like the coyote did. Nature...pretty serious stuff.

  5. I'm lounging about also, but with pen and notebook in hand(s).

    In case it’s #AuthorConfession week, Ima step into the confessional.

    I’ve stopped counting the number of ideas I’ve borrowed from JR. Once it reaches a point where it’s impossible to pay back, why keep counting?

    But now I’ve stolen my second idea from Julie Weathers, and I’m here to speak of its glory. First, I went out and got my sand timer. And it’s a great hourglass—averages 1:01:46, so I get nearly two extra minutes every hour. Yay!

    Second, during Nano, I’ve started doing that chunk-writing gig Julie talks about with Diana Gabaldon. It’s marvelous. I write my first draft in longhand (hey, once the confessions start…), so I can write a scene in, say chapter 31 in longhand while I’m back here in present day working on chapter 5. So, when I get to chapter 31, I’m already working on my second draft. See how cool this is?

    Don’t tell Julie, I don’t want to start owing her like I already owe Janet. Off to write another 1667 words...

  6. Our cats have random phase generators. I think the four of them have got them running in sync, too. About every two days they go to different places and have a complete change of mood, unless they are lying about starving to death because they haven't been fed for months, months I tell you.

  7. Cold, wet Monday here. *Loving it*. We don't get wet very often and I hail from a place that has over double the annual rainfall.

    Totally abandoning my day job (a couple of urgent things to do then the rest can wait). Plan on having a delightful writing day with the rain hitting the window, the sound of it on the roof, heater on and the dog at my feet. Bliss =)

    Woke up to the horror in Texas. Hope everyone and their friends and family are safe.

  8. Aww... Hi, Ty! Ginger boy? Can't quite tell. Looks like a peaceful way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

    We need a new utility sink in our laundry room. I intend on making the cabinet it'll sit on out of beadboard from the old shotgun house on our property. I spent the morning harvesting planks off the ceiling. This stuff is like gold to me... it's the real honest-to-goodness beadboard, nearly an inch thick, milled in the 1930's. And getting it down is a tedious, delicate job to avoid cracking the tongue and groove. But this sort of work is my happy place.

    The old house is where I found our two kitties, Butter-Bean and Beau-Henry, last Oct. They were emaciated and appeared to have been dumped by some irresponsible creep. Our gain.

  9. Hope some of you got the extra hour today. Here it's warm and rainy. A writing day! Happy NaNo-ing, or cat petting.

  10. John Davis Frain

    Chunk writing frees up your mind to write what comes in when it comes. I always find the things that pop up like movies tend to have more life when I write them. I don't worry about where they will fit in because the boys in the back know. I just have to trust them.

    Then, I alwasy stop before I completely finish whatever I'm working on so I know what happens next. I re-read the previous days work and pick up with the remainder and usually I can keep right on going. Sometimes you get a whole chapter that way, sometimes just an extended scene, but it works.

    Eventually, you get to the point where you go, "Oh, that's where this chunk fits, OK." You drop that little orphan chunk into place like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle and it keeps growing.

    Anyway, it works for me and other writers. It's fun watching Diana and an OCD writer who insists you can't write without an outline on the same panel discussing how to write. You can almost see the outliner having a nervous breakdown at the mere thought of chunk writing.

    Diana says there are no rules to writing. If it works it works. Do what's right for you.

  11. I feel sorry for poor Ty, but what good hands he's in. I almost wish I was a cat at times so I could come visit Miss Janet.

    I kept my son's cat when he left for training and Buddy refused to come out from under the bed for days. Eventually, he decided I was OK and would play fetch with me and curl around my shoulders when I sat down. Buddy stoles are nice and warm, comfortable, but they tend to drool when they're happy and relaxed.

  12. Sunday lounging, now that's a thing I really appreciate!

    I've written almost 3k words today, hoping for more. I'm not quite caught up with words in the NaNo novel, but I did finish the short story I want to send off by the 15th and my first beta (alpha beta?) has already read it and given it the stamp of approval. The title struggle has commenced.

    We don't have a cat (the fiancé is exceedingly allergic) so it's myself and Elka on the couch.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. It's been a rough couple of weeks. I'm completely wiped out.

    Little Girl Dog gets excited when I show some life. I guess that shows how rare it is.

    In a couple weeks, LGD will be meeting my mother's cat, as we prepare to move in with Mum.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. My cat demands to be queen of the house (no king – just one servant – that’d be me) until I’m gone for a few hours. When I return she’s I-missed-you-so-much-where-have-you-been?-hold-me.

    Off topic – A former student named John Strohm was named president of Rounder Records this week. Billboard did a nice write-up (with picture) on him. I'm so excited.

    Not quite as far off topic. Today was Homewood Library’s book sale day. I made off with 43 books (though three of them are the same book – Dennis LeHane’s The Given Day (A hardback and two paper back copies. I didn’t pay attention to the titles at the time.) Beside Dennis LeHane I was able to get other authors I learned about on this blog: two Patrick Lee Novels, five Karin Slaughter novels, two Gregg Hurwitz novels, two Robert Crais novels and two J.A. Jance novels.

    Finally, it was a beautiful sunny day here, and the leaves have started to turn fall colors.

    11/5/17, 6:24 PM Delete

  17. Joseph,

    I'm not even talking to you. After the last library sale debacle here, I refuse to go.

  18. I thought some of you might find this interesting. It's two different interviews of Lee Child, by Andy Martin. One is text, discussing the first chapter of Child's new novel. The other is a video interview where Child talks about a non-Reacher short story he's writing for an anthology--- well, which he wrote in one day, in between answering interview questions.

    Really interesting insights into his process.

    Nice cat-sitting gig, Janet. Is the Duchess of Yowl miffed by your divided loyalties? Better stock up on her favourite treats.


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