Sunday, September 17, 2017

Vacation post day 4/7: The Duchess of Yowl Redefines Chill Out

Me: Your Grace, where are you? It's time for your elevenses petting.

Me: Your Grace?

Me: Where are you Duchess?

Me: (looking under sofa) hmmmm

Me: (looking in cat cave of blankets on bed) oh crap, where is she??

Me: (checking screens on windows for cat-shaped tears) ok, she's IN HERE somewhere, right? (looks at ceiling)

Me: If I've lost that cat INSIDE this apartment, I'm never going to live this down.

Me: (opening fridge for medicinal sip of white wine)

DoY: oh hello there.

Me: What the HELL? You're IN the refrigerator?? How long have you been in there?

DoY: When did you last open the door (Einstein!)?

Me: You've been in there for 30 minutes!

DoY: I was inventorying the cheese. And the cream. And the tuna salad.

Me: Do I need to stock up?

DoY: (licking whiskers) you do now.


  1. Our first cat, Petrushka (from Spike Jones' Rhapsody From Hunger), loved turkey so much that she found a way to open the refrigerator to get at the Thanksgiving leftovers.

  2. Is this the beginning of a fiction novel for felines?

  3. I'm so glad my cat ran a "catch and release" program for hummingbirds (catch them outside, release them in the living room) instead of sneaking into the fridge. 'Cause finding a cat in the fridge would freak me out.

  4. Thankfully the fridge door seems to be the only one my girls can't open. Yet....

  5. This happens way more than people know.

    Don't ask me why I know this.

  6. Why do I fear that the Duchess has more blog followers than I do?

    Oh, right, because she does.

  7. My cat Brigada disappeared one day. Like Janet Reid, I searched everywhere - under furniture, under bedding, behind the dresser, under clothes, in my room filled with DVDs and CDs (I have thousands), under clothes, in closets, in bathrooms, everywhere. I kept calling her name. Finally, as a wild shot I pulled open my desk drawer.


  8. One of our Persians used to sleep on top of the refrigerator. He particularly loved it when house guests would open the refrigerator for a midnight snack. He would either bat them on the head or hang upside down and see what was in the fridge. Our friends called him the Kitchen Ghost.

    We finally got power late last night (thank you, Colin for your well wishes). There are still power trucks from all over everywhere you look, God bless 'em. A lot of people still don't have power. Pray for them. It's summer here, 90 degrees plus during the day and not much better at night.

    Hubby's surgery went well. We started inside clean up today. I'm trying to do it all when he's napping so he doesn't overdo.

    Our current cats are upset. The screen to the sliding glass door had a tear. All last week they used it to come and go. Since the air conditioning is back their new cat door is shut and on the repair list. They're taking it personally.

  9. I needed this today. Wonderful fun. Loaner Cat went home last night and it feels so empty. Even the dobes are subdued. :(

  10. None of our four like to have doors closed behind them. They seem to remember that when it gets forced on them they go to the vet. They are curious about what is behind closed doors but run like hell if they think the door is closing.

    Hope you are all a marvelous Sunday. I know Cynthia is.

    Things just keep coming up here. My bonefishing trip for November looks to be trashed. Bahia Honda looks totaled.

    Elise: It is a wonderful time to get a cat. Almost every Humane Society has deals to going on. They are all overloaded with refugee animals.

  11. One more week of the school term to survive. Last week was the biggy - school concerts, exams, tired Barbarians, basketball finals, trophy presentations... Argh.

    Finally catching up and nothing better than a series of DoY stories. Only problem is I'm on skype waiting for a third person to join - Skype muted so we can keep working while waiting. I chose to fill my time reading the last 4 posts on DoY. Bad idea. I laughed my way through them and am now having to explain my facial expressions to the other skypers.

    Hope your holiday is going swimmingly, dear Shark.

  12. Ooops, meant to say, we lost our cat one day when she was just a kitten. Hunted high and low in our townhouse and were starting to panic when we discovered her curled up inside the Hub's motorbike helmet. The visor had been open just enough for a small, stubborn kitten to wiggle into.

    She's been in the land of tuna for many years now, but we still miss her terribly.

  13. My husband and I were just joking about this! We forgot about the whipped cream in the fridge because "someone" moved it to the back...and we were "sure" our cat Lucy had done it. Now we have proof!


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