Monday, February 04, 2008

Tommorow is "Tsunami" Tuesday

It used to be just plain old Super Tuesday with a couple of big primaries. Then everyone got tired of being last so they moved their primaries up to 2/5/08. No more winner take all stakes in California in June; no more New York being ignored till April. Newp, tomorrow we vote.

I have a thing about voting.
I love it.
I mean, really seriously love it.
I love the little ladies guarding the poll books.
I love the security officer standing by in case a scuffle breaks out between the D's and the R's who have to co-mingle while on line.
I love going into the voting booth and pulling the lever for the candidate of my choice.

And frankly the hell with everyone who says one person's vote doesn't count.
I don't care.

What I know is that people died, literally died, to give me the right to do this. Women particularly but Americans in general. They took voting pretty damn seriously. The least we can do to respect what they sacrificed is exercise our right to vote.

And not just "vote, for whomever." It's not that hard to figure out what a candidate's position is on any number of issues. They've all got websites, and they've been all over the news with their take on matters large and small.

Overthrow the government: vote.


D. Robert Pease said...

I wish I could vote tomorrow, but in our strange "democracy" I can't vote until March. When really it won't make any difference. So yes, one vote MAY not make any difference tomorrow, but my vote will be useless in March.

So please think long and hard all of you who have a say in who runs for our next president, I'll have to just take whoever you give me.

(Ok, off my soap box now.)

Mindy Tarquini said...

I'm a registered Independent. Nobody wants to hear from me until November. And maybe they won't want to hear from me then, but they're going to anyway.

DeadlyAccurate said...

Yeah, our primaries are in March, too. It'll be interesting to see who pulls ahead today.

ryan field said...

With all this history in the making, this vote is too important to miss. I was there at six thirty.

Liz Wolfe said...

In Washington (state) we vote by mail. I mailed mine in the next day, although the deadline is Feb. 19th.

Charles said...

hillary's winning in new york!

Maya Reynolds said...

I was glad to see this post.

This election is incredibly important--the next President will be naming at least one, and probably more, Supreme Court justices.

The moderate court is now tilting conservative. That single fact will determine my vote in November.

Heidi Willis said...

Without picking a side, let me echo the love for voting! I am passionate about it, get tingles standing in line and feel powerful and so, so lucky for the privilege pushing the touch screen (yeah... not quite the same as closing the curtain and pulling the lever.... I miss that!).

I have taken my kids since the day my firstborn was three weeks old. They have gone in strollers, backpacks, and carseats, and now I wait until they are out of school so they can go with me, always accompanied by the history lesson and the "Aren't we so lucky to be able to do this?"

Our primary is in 7 days. I'll be there, whether I matter or not.

amanda h said...

My mom used to take me into the voting booth. This year, I'll take my 7-year old daughter to our caucus on Saturday. She can't wait to go. Neither can I. What great choices we have!

Chris Eldin said...

Yes, vote!!!
*whispers--please don't vote for Mccain. Please oh please don't vote for another mean-spirited teetotaler for president.*

I take my kids with me every time I vote. I always ask the caucus people outside the school to explain the issues to my children. None of them have been able to yet. Rep or Dem or Ind. ;-O